A Refreshing Reminder

What a remarkable industry we work in

As I write this, I am fresh off the plane that returned me home to Wisconsin from a much warmer Miami Beach, Florida.

The reason for my travels was the Disasters Expo USA, which was the first convention for disaster recovery professionals I have been able to attend since DCR started. I went there with one main mission: to learn as much as possible about the people and products that make up this industry.

Here’s what I gathered.


A quick walk through the show floor proved how many fields this industry touches. Exhibitors consisted of both manufacturers and contractors specializing in debris removal, tree trimming, excavation, power utility work, hazmat, stormwater infrastructure and everything in between. 

I was able to chat with people that have been serving the industry for years and others that were at the show to break ground. From prime contractors with fleets of equipment and armies of subcontractors lined up and ready to respond, to professionals specializing in their respective niche.

It was a great reminder how many industries it takes coming together to get communities back on their feet after a disaster. 


Is technology taking over the world? Maybe, but I’m not diving into that topic. What I will say is, seeing the state-of-the-art technology being put to use in products for the advancement of disaster recovery efforts was encouraging. 

The show floor was filled with drones, mobile surveillance equipment, rapid deployable shelters, trailer units, water generation technology and so much more. 

Products to support business in disaster management, communication, response and resource planning were also plentiful. I came across multiple software companies specializing in storm and damage prediction. This technology not only looked to track potential weather events but concentrated on the specific area and assessed the likely outcome in terms of infrastructure damage and likely immediate needs of repair. An example of this type of software is highlighted in this month’s Business Builder.


Every booth I approached was excited to share, happy to discuss their role and willing to answer any question I asked. This has been my experience with the majority of those I’ve conversed with and met with this role. 

This month’s profile story is no exception. J. Lee Driskell shares the ins and outs of HernandoAg, a recovery and agricultural service company based in Florida. What brought her to the industry might be a similar story to many of yours. 

Learning about HernanadoAg and attending Disasters Expo USA was a refreshing experience and great reminder of why DCR exists; to serve all branches of the entire disaster industry. It’s my privilege to bring news of technological advancements, to share success stories from industry leaders and provide a platform that helps bring first-response contractors and suppliers together.  

As always, please reach out to me with questions and story ideas and thanks for reading this month’s issue!


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