Performance Review

A reflection of the months passed and a request for input.

It’s hard to believe we are past the halfway point of DCR’s first year. It has been incredible getting to know a variety of contractors and learning about their work through tracking down story leads, going to shows and reading every news story I can find about disaster recovery.  

We started this publication because we saw the need for a platform dedicated to helping first-response contractors achieve performance excellence, progress their careers, grow their businesses, share information and celebrate accomplishments. I think we have done a lot of that already in these six months. Currently, the magazine goes to 22,000 readers each month, and the subscription list is steadily growing. For that, we thank you. 

With half a year of publication under our belt, we have learned a lot, but like any good employee looking to better help, we are open to feedback.

How are we doing? 

From the beginning, we stated that this magazine is for the people behind disaster recovery, and that will always be the case. 

To this point, we have focused on businesses small and large making a big impact, and the people that run them. We’ve covered specific recovery efforts, dove into equipment that helps contractors succeed and shared a plethora of new industry products.

These types of stories will continue within the magazine, and there is always room for more. 

So, what are your thoughts on the content so far? What have been some of your favorite articles and why? Which have been the most helpful? 

Open invitation

The figurative doors at DCR are always open and we urge you to reach out with ideas. It’s your feedback that will help this magazine grow and better serve. As we stated in the first issue, this is your magazine.

What sort of content are we missing that would be of value to you and your business? What topics aren’t we covering that could help the industry as a whole? 

Here’s the direct invitation: Write to me at Tell me what you like about DCR so far. Share new ideas for stories, or your opinion on certain trends you’re experiencing in the industry. Please send me questions that I can share with other readers, or consult other industry experts to answer. 

Every message I receive will be heard and valued, and the whole team at COLE Publishing will use the accumulated comments when making decisions about our coverage. 

One fact I have learned through the voice of almost every contractor I have spoken with, is that no one person can conquer cleanup alone. Not only does it take a team, but a collective group of teams that are willing to pool their resources and expertise together to serve the big picture. Without question, the same applies to this magazine. The more voices that contribute, the better it will be able to serve.

I look forward to hearing from you in the days and weeks ahead, and thank you for everything thus far.   


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