11 Links to Refresh Your Safety Smarts

June is National Safety Month, educate yourself to better protect yourself, your crew and your business

11 Links to Refresh Your Safety Smarts

Summer is in full swing, your trucks are all on the road, techs are servicing restrooms right and left, and the phones are ringing nonstop. Think you don't have time for a safety review? Wrong! We took the time to curate the greatest hits of 2023's safety content, so far. Enjoy the read, slow down and stay safe out there.

When employees stray from following safe practices it can lead to bad habits.

Workers’ comp policies are designed to provide for employees who are subject to workplace accidents, without placing too onerous a financial burden on the business itself. 

Special events season is here. While the busier season can be a boon, it does come with inherent risks including a greater chance for vehicular accidents.  

3 strategies to keep distractions out of the route service truck. 

Distribution Contractors Association has dedicated a new Be Safe auxiliary microsite to foster risk awareness and mitigation within the construction industry.

While every workplace has its own influences and conditions, the overall objective is to help managers, supervisors and employees continuously adapt with prevention in mind.

Cyber criminals are turning their attacks to small business. Follow these tips to protect your PRO business.

You never know when a safety inspector will show up, so it’s vital to be ready at all times.

Every job has the potential for injury. Stay safe by following these basic guidelines.


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