4 Ways to Minimize Downtime at Your Business

4 Ways to Minimize Downtime at Your Business

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You’ve heard the old saying “time is money.” Certainly, business owners strive to use their time wisely and productively, serving clients, developing teams and adding to the bottom line. Any unplanned downtime can disrupt this rhythm of productivity, potentially setting off a chain of undesired impacts.

For example, unplanned downtime may result in:

  • Damage to your company’s reputation, as customers may prove unforgiving if your business cannot meet its needs promptly and satisfactorily;
  • Lost sales revenue, as the customers you’re unable to serve take their business to one of your competitors; and
  • Employee turnover, as your team members become antsy, bored or wary of all the unproductive time.

While unplanned downtime happens to all businesses sooner or later, there are a few simple strategies your home service company can employ to keep this downtime to a minimum.

Strategies to reduce unplanned downtime

1) Have redundant systems in place.

One of the biggest causes of unplanned downtime is when a particular system fails without warning, or when a technological problem leaves a crucial system inaccessible. For example, the loss of a customer relations system may make it difficult for you to track client needs and to provide your normal high level of service. Having a redundant system with automated data rollover ensures that your business stays up and running even if your primary system is temporarily offline.

2) Keep everything up to date.

Having system redundancies is one thing; even more fundamental is your need to keep primary systems firing on all cylinders. This basically boils down to routine maintenance. Just as you instruct your customers to invest in preventive care programs, you should make sure you’re being proactive in keeping your IT up to date. Download updates as needed, and schedule periodic tech upgrades.

3) Practice sound cybersecurity.

Ransomware and other cyber attacks can take your systems offline, making it difficult for you to get your work done. Unfortunately, small businesses are uniquely vulnerable to cyberattacks. You can safeguard your company, and potentially avoid unplanned downtime, by educating your entire team about cybersecurity basics. Make sure nobody opens any fishy looking emails or clicks any spammy texts while they’re on the company’s network.

4) Have a strong infrastructure.

Minimizing unplanned downtime isn’t just about software and cybersecurity. You’ll also want to make sure you have some basic plans and protocols in place to respond to any natural disasters or related phenomena. For example, a backup power generator can keep you in business even if storms disable your power for hours or days at a time.

Avoid any service disruptions

Your customers count on you to be there for them whenever they experience an issue. If you’re ever unable to help them, that could be disastrous for your reputation as well as your bottom line. Make sure you have a strategy in place to keep any unplanned downtime to a minimum at your business.

About the Author

Amanda E. Clark is the president and editor-in-chief of Grammar Chic, a full-service professional writing company. She is a published ghostwriter and editor, and she's currently under contract with literary agencies in Malibu, California and Dublin. Since founding Grammar Chic in 2008, Clark, along with her team of skilled professional writers, has offered expertise to clients in the creative, business and academic fields. The company accepts a wide range of projects; often engages in content and social media marketing; and drafts resumes, press releases, web content, marketing materials and ghostwritten creative pieces. Contact Clark at www.grammarchic.net.

This article was originally posted September 2022.


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