8 Ways for Business Owners to Disconnect During Vacation

8 Ways for Business Owners to Disconnect During Vacation

In order for business owners to succeed over the long haul, staving off premature burnout and exhaustion, it’s critical to take some time off every now and then. Simply exiting the office for a week isn’t enough; it’s important to actually disconnect, dedicating your attention to something other than your business and your team.

This can be easier said than done, of course, as small business owners typically devote every waking hour to ensuring their team is operating at peak efficiency. If you’re planning a vacation but already know you’ll struggle to disconnect, consider a few practical steps.

Strategies to truly detach during vacation

  1. Tie up your loose ends before vacation. It will be hard to enjoy your vacation if you’ve got a bunch of half-finished projects, looming deadlines or unanswered emails swimming through your head. Be diligent in wrapping up as much as you can before you leave.
  2. Leave your laptop behind. Bring your laptop into your vacation rental and you’re bound to be tempted by it; but even a single look at your work email may be all it takes to send you into a spiral of worry. Best to just leave your work collateral at the office, out of sight and (hopefully) out of mind.
  3. Decide which apps are fair game. Will you be checking into Slack while you’re away? How about email? Decide before you leave which apps or websites are off limits and consider blocking them from your phone in order to keep yourself honest.
  4. Establish a code for emergencies. What constitutes a true workplace emergency, urgent enough to warrant interrupting your vacation? And how should employees communicate with you should an emergency come up? Clarify protocols with your team members before you head out of town.
  5. Separate documents. Ensure that any important vacation documents (for instance, airline confirmations or Airbnb check-in details) go to a personal email account, allowing you to avoid the need to log into your work email at any point during vacation.
  6. Turn off notifications. Your phone has a “do not disturb” function, so use it! And while you’re at it, turn off notifications from social media apps, even if it’s just for a week or two while you’re out of the office.
  7. Consider the inside-outside rule. If you can’t bring yourself to disconnect altogether, consider using the inside-outside rule: You’re allowed to check work calls or emails while you’re in your hotel, but never while you’re outside of the hotel. Some small business owners find this to be an effective compromise.
  8. Plan for your return. Before heading out of the office, make a detailed to-do list or schedule for your first few days back in the office, allowing you to rest assured that you’ll be ready to feel organized and on top of things upon your return.

Make your vacation a time of actual refreshment. Both your business and your mental health will be better off because of it. Follow these strategies to put some basic safeguards into place.

This article was originally posted June 2023. 


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