The Top DCR Stories of 2023

The Top DCR Stories of 2023

The new year is right around the corner, so it’s time to look back on the first year of DCR online exclusives. Even though we don't have a full year of content yet, here is a list containing your favorite stories, along with a few picks from the editor.

10.) Federal Investment to Support NOAA's Efforts to Predict and Map Floods
Kicking off the list is an article highlighting an $80 million contract that aims to improve efficiency in water models and mapping services which is encouraging support to better recovery technology. 

9.) Should You Offer Horizontal Directional Drilling?
Next up is a business story on the benefits of expanding business offering to include HDD work. A  useful, but less common service among cleanup and recovery contractors.

8.) How Wildfires Affect Water
The Texas Water Resources Institute details the disruption wildfire can have on water supply. With an increase in wildfires occurring each year, municipalities need to be prepared.

7.) Do You Have an Equipment Replacement Plan?
Knowing when to expect to replace your trucks and other equipment helps you survive unexpected breakdowns and emergency replacement expenses. This article details how a proper plan can save you the headache of surprise setbacks.

6.) Lessons Learned in ‘Urban Interface Wildfire’
Water treatment superintendent, Greg Venette reflects back on the aftermath of an urban wildfire and its affect on his Louisville water team.

5.) Leveraging the WFCA Fire Map for Private Companies
Cracking the top 5 is another useful business article that provides insight into a readily available tool for contractor's to find wildfire recovery work. The interactive map help private companies to locate and track active fires.

4.) Preparing for Offseason Tornadoes
In a business of expecting the unexpected, winter tornados fit the bill. Though uncommon, they do happen. Responding to these events require different strategies and pose different challenges as highlighted in this online exclusive.

3.) Prepare Your Crew for the Top Five Weather Hazards on Job Sites
Team safety should always be a priority and in an industry where severe weather is the basis of business, crews should be ready for whatever Mother Nature throws at them. 

2.) How to Pick Great Team Leaders
Good leadership is a difference maker. Choosing who leads the pack shouldn't be a light decision. In this story, the author provides an in-depth look at how to find those influential managers and what they can mean to your business. 

1.) Heroic Operators Kept Water Flowing During Colorado’s Devastating Marshall Fire
Rounding out this year's top stories is one highlighting what this magazine will be all about for years to come - the people who work to restore infrastructure most take for granted. This article looks back to the Marshall fires of 2021 and details the response from treatment plant operators affected by the devastation. 


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