Tracking Wildfires in the United States

Stay on top of business possibilities by monitoring active wildfires to stay in tune with where help is needed

Tracking Wildfires in the United States

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Today’s technology and information that’s readily available make wildfire recovery jobs a little easier to find. Several resources provide up-to-date information on wildfires across the United States. Here are some of the most reliable options:

Government Agencies

  • National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC): The primary source for wildfire information, providing maps, incident updates, and statistics.
  • InciWeb: Offers detailed information on specific wildfires, including maps, evacuation orders, and public information.
  • State-specific agencies: Many states have their own departments of forestry or natural resources that provide wildfire updates for their regions.

Online Tools and Apps

  • Fire and Smoke Map: This map from AirNow provides real-time air quality information and wildfire locations.
  • ArcGIS - US Wildfire Activity Web Map: Offers detailed wildfire incident mapping.
  • Active Fire Data: NASA's Earthdata platform provides current global wildfire data.
  • Fireguard Wildfire Tracker: A mobile app offering near-real-time tracking of fire locations.

Other Resources

  • Local news outlets: Often provide the most up-to-date information on wildfires affecting specific areas.
  • Social media: Platforms like Twitter and Facebook can be used to follow fire agencies and get real-time updates.

By utilizing these resources, you can stay informed about wildfire activity and take necessary steps to mobilize your crew to areas that need help the most.


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