News Briefs: News Crew Captures 'Hurricane-Like' Water Main Break

Not all disasters are natural. Unfortunately small mistakes can lead to big damage.

News Briefs: News Crew Captures 'Hurricane-Like' Water Main Break

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A telecommunications contractor accidentally hit a water main in Fort Worth on Monday morning, causing significant damage to several homes. The incident occurred along Trinity Vista Trail, where crews were installing underground utilities.

The water main break sent a powerful gush of water into the air, damaging homes and causing trees to topple. One homeowner, Susie Clark, described the scene as a combination of a tornado and a hurricane. Her home suffered extensive water damage, and she believes it may be a total loss.

The city of Fort Worth is investigating the incident and is holding the telecommunications company responsible for the damages. The contractor had failed to properly locate underground utility lines before beginning work, leading to the accidental hit.

Neighbors have rallied together to support those affected by the water damage, offering assistance with cleanup efforts and emotional support. As the community works to recover from this unfortunate incident, the importance of proper underground utility line identification and safe digging practices is being emphasized.

Video linked below:

Information gathered and video captured by NBCDFW. Read original article here -


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